Ozone (O3), sometimes called "active oxygen", is a gas whose molecule contains three oxygen atoms instead of two, such as the oxygen we normally breathe. In other words, ozone is oxygen (O2) with an extra oxygen atom.
Ozone, being a very unstable gas, quickly transforms into its initial form, i.e. oxygen (O2), and the released third oxygen atom reacts with the substance on which ozone acts.
Ozone, there is an excellent disinfectant, one of the strongest known to man.
It can oxidize bacteria, viruses, mites and many other chemicals.
Ozone is also becoming popular recently odors removal .
The action of ozone is essentially violent oxidation. Upon encountering various pollutants floating in the air, ozone reacts with them, causing their oxidation. The third oxygen atom in its molecule makes ozone very reactive (chemically active) - reacts very easily with contaminant particles such as odors, bacteria, viruses or mold. It breaks them down into less complex and usually less harmful particles. The remaining ozone automatically decomposes back into oxygen, which makes it very environmentally friendly. Cleaning rooms with ozone is much more effective than traditional cleaning with chemicals.
Interestingly, ozone occurs naturally in the environment, resulting from lightning strikes that occur during a thunderstorm. In fact, the "fresh, clean, spring" smell we notice after a storm is often related to the effects of ozone. Most often, however, we hear about ozone in the context of the "ozone layer" that surrounds our planet above the Earth's atmosphere and protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Here, ozone is produced by the action of the sun's UV rays.